Lessons Learned and Relearned

By: Becki Manni

Exodus 18:13-27

As we look at the story of Moses and the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt we see reflected in the actions and reactions of those involved, many of our own highs and lows, fears and foibles. We see Moses’ desire to serve and please God and his struggles as he leads this new nation. We see the slave’s pain and yearning to be free juxtaposed against their pride, fear and insecurities. We see God’s mercy so freely given and His patience severely tested yet He remains so unfailingly faithful.

And over and over we read of lessons learned and relearned. Reading through these chapters I often begin to think, “Really”? How often does God have to prove himself to you for you to finally understand? Then I run across the lesson Moses has to learn again and again in Exodus 18:13-27 and I realize I’m suddenly looking in a mirror. I’ve had to learn and relearn this same lesson so many times in my own life and yet God is always patient, kind and merciful as He once again applies the pressure needed for me to stop and pay attention.

Moses’ father-in-law has come to bring his family to him as they are traveling through the desert. Moses spends a great deal of time detailing all the amazing things God has done for His people in the past year. He describes how God intervened each time there was a struggle and how He illustrates his ability to deliver for his chosen people. Then they worship together this sovereign God who provides all.

Yet, within twenty-four hours, Moses has forgotten the multitude of lessons learned of God’s sufficiency and is once again trying to do it all on his own. He is overwhelmed trying to meet all the needs, answer all the questions and settle all the disputes for all the people. How many times have I found myself on this same merry-go-round? How many times has God had to get my attention by applying the needed pressure so that I once again stop running long enough to realize my pride in thinking I can get it all done on my own for Him.

God doesn’t want to see me accomplish anything for him because all my measly efforts are as dirty rags soaked in sin and pride. He wants to show me how amazing, creative and powerful he is when I just obey and get out of the way. No, God doesn’t want me to sit lazily on the sidelines and wait for miracles. Yes, he wants me to partner with him by doing the little I can do and witnessing the greatness he can do through me. He also wants me to invite others into the circle to participate rather than trying to do it all on my own.

This recently became crystal clear yet again as I learned I had to have surgery to replace my arthritic, right shoulder. Suddenly, as it says in verse 18:18, “the work is too heavy for you, you cannot handle it alone.” I have to ask for help, I have to swallow my pride, I have to delegate tasks and share the joy of serving Him. And once again I learn as it says in verse 18:22, “That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you.” The church stepped up and carried the load just as God intended. People served extra shifts at the consignment sale, volunteers arranged for missions lessons and opportunities, and Easter outreach was accomplished.

Once again I got to see how amazing, creative and powerful God is when I just obey and get out of the way. Are you letting the “tyranny of the urgent” rule your days? Are you trying to do it “for” God rather than “with” him? Obey, get out of the way and watch how amazingly creative our God is in getting his work done through you.

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